Monday 21 November 2011


Thursday was such a long day, in the morning
i went to school then skated Swalecliffe with Connor, Jodie and Ben till it got dark, then skated Whistable street, then picked up Ed davies and went till deal skate park till it started raining then went Ramsgate! so here just some pictures of what happened.
Connor Game with a fiery Front rock

Ben. its not a slash grind unless sparks fly out!

Connor and Ben burning it up
Connor game pole pillar jam!
Jodie: what did you land on?
Ben: concrete.

London 2012

Olympic's 2012
On tuesday me and my mum went up to london to look at the olympic stadium.

Monday 7 November 2011

Rainham Skatepark

Today me and ed went to Rainham skatepark it was ok but had soo many stones it was unbelievable!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Thursday 3 November 2011


Just some pictures i like but havnt been on the blog yet,enjoy.